(1) Web sites must be written in a manner that provides access to viewers using all currently distributed browsers. The need for proprietary software or specialized browser "plug-ins" is discouraged.

(2) Web pages should be easily viewable on all screen resolutions. Although screen formats are transitioning to higher resolutions, users with lower resolution displays must have full accessibility. For example, if page elements do not fit on a 680x480 format, unseen elements should be made accessible through the use of scroll bars.

(3) The use of new technologies and innovative features is highly encouraged. Such features should be used to enhance site operation, and not as a substitute for the basic elements of a site.

(4) A means to easily navigate the Web site should be provided. Generally stated, the viewer should be able to easily navigate throughout the site, and return to the entry point, without becoming lost. The use of navigation buttons, frames, or standardized boarders can provide the necessary tools.

(5) Webmasters are encouraged to adopt the W3C standards for web site authoring standards. Additional information may be found at the W3C site.  


(1) Proper Auxiliary and sponsoring unit identification must be visually provided on all sites. The name of the sponsoring unit must also appear in the <TITLE> section of the page header.

(2) All posted information should further the objectives of the Auxiliary, and should be relevant to the interests of Auxiliary members and/or the boating public. In addition, information should be accurate, current, concisely stated, and understandable.

(3) Content for Auxiliary Web pages must be developed and maintained at the most appropriate level. Web sites at other levels must link to that material rather than duplicating it. Thus, information regarding national policies and information will be developed and maintained on the national Web page to which other pages can link; district policies and information will be developed and maintained on district Web sites; and so on.

(4) All links should be functional. Links to sites outside of the CG and CGAUX must provide a "value added" source of information or service directly related to Auxiliary activities.

(5) Links should be provided to the national Web site, and other relevant district, division, and flotilla sites.

(6) All sites should display the standard Link Disclaimer as listed in the Auxiliary Internet Policy.

(7) Web pages should be designed to load quickly. Unnecessary gimmicks, large high resolution pictures, overuse of action icons, and background music should be avoided.

(8) All sites must display a Privacy Statement that specifically describes the site's collection and use of personal information.

(9) All sites must post an email contact address or MAILTO: link in a prominent location. The contact person must be someone will respond to inquiries in a timely manner.

(10) Auxiliary sites should make every effort to accommodate viewers with disabilities. It is recommended that sites conform to the CAST Bobby Level 1 requirements.


(1) The Web site opening page should be designed to catch the interest of the viewer.

(2) Web page layout should provide a visually appealing framework to display the materials being presented. Effective use of graphics, images, backgrounds, frames, and borders can enhance the effectiveness of the site.

(3) The overall appearance of a Web site should present a consistent look and feel. It is important to maintain this uniformity through:

a. Visual continuity throughout all site pages.

b. Consistent page format, color schemes, and identification headers.

c. Consistent applications of text size and style.

d. Standardized navigation procedures between site pages.






     Please review each of the sites listed below, even if they are within your local District and/or Division. Do not leave any fields blank.

     Using the given Evaluation Criteria, rate the Technical (TEC), Content (CNT), and Appearance (APR) categories for each site. A 10 would indicate complete compliance, and a 0 indicates a complete lack of compliance.



013 http://www.cgaux1n.org
054 http://a054.uscgaux.info
081 http://www.d8cr.org
091 http://a091.uscgaux.info

092 http://a092.uscgaux.info
113 http://d11nuscgaux.info
114 http://www.d11s.org





CNT    APR   
01301 http://a01301.uscgaux.info
01311 http://a01311.uscgaux.info
05405 http://a05405.uscgaux.info
05420 http://a05420.uscgaux.info
07001 http://www.cgauxpr.org
07011 http://a07011.uscgaux.info
08204 http://a08204.uscgaux.info
08207 http://a08207.uscgaux.info
08503 http://a08503.uscgaux.info
09106 http://a09106.uscgaux.info
09114 http://a09114.uscgaux.info
09203 http://a09203.uscgaux.info
09204 http://a09204.uscgaux.info
09509 http://a09509.uscgaux.info
11306 http://a11306.uscgaux.info
11312 http://a11312.uscgaux.info
11403 http://a11403.uscgaux.info
11416 http://www.sectorsandiegoauxiliary.us



0130208 http://www.uscgauxnh.org
0130709 http://a0130709.uscgaux.info
0130804 http://a0130804.uscgaux.info
0131101 http://a0131101.uscgaux.info
0131203 http://a0131203.uscgaux.info
0141013 http://a0141013.uscgaux.info
0530404 http://a0530404.uscgaux.info
0530712 http://a0530712.uscgaux.info
0531002 http://www.uscgaux10-2.org
0531005 http://www.auxflotilla10-5nr.org
0540507 http://a0540507.uscgaux.info
0540508 http://www.boatsafehamptonroads.org
0540807 http://a0540807.uscgaux.info
0541705 http://www.cgalakewylie.org
0542006 http://a0542006.uscgaux.info
0810510 http://a0810510.uscgaux.info
0820107 http://a0820107.uscgaux.info
0820807 http://a0820807.uscgaux.info
0821806 http://a0821806.uscgaux.info
0822405 http://a0822405.uscgaux.info
0850304 http://a0850304.uscgaux.info
0910802 http://a0910802.uscgaux.info
0920201 http://a0920201.uscgaux.info
0920301 http://a0920301.uscgaux.info
0920302 http://a0920302.uscgaux.info
0920405 http://a0920405.uscgaux.info
0950305 http://flotilla3-5.org
0950701 http://a0950701.uscgaux.info
1130109 http://flotilla19.d11nuscgaux.info
1130502 http://a1130502.uscgaux.info
1130702 http://www.cgauxut.org/2008site/flotilla_72/index.php    
1131103 http://www.renocgaux.org
1131291 http://a1131291.uscgaux.info
1140104 http://www.sandiegocgaux.org
1140305 http://www.aux35.org
1140703 http://a1140703.uscgaux.info
1141204 http://www.uscgamdr.org

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